Cereal cyst nematode - Heterodera filipjevi
Effective: August 18, 2010 - December 31, 2016
Taxonomic Position: Tylenchida : Heteroderidae
Pest Type: Nematodes
This pest is a member of the following surveys: Cyst Nematode, Small Grains
These Approved Methods are appropriate for: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
Pest Information
Pest is vectored by:

Approved Method(s)
Method Detail NAPIS Survey Method
Soil Sample Send sample to nematology diagnostic lab where nematodes will be extracted and identified (preferred method). 3012 - General Soil Sample
Tissue Sample Send sample to nematology diagnostic lab where nematodes will be extracted and identified. 3011 - General Tissue Sample
Method Notes:

Survey Recommendations
The following are recommendations for executing the survey using the approved methods for pest surveillance. The recommendations are developed through literature review and consultation with subject matter experts.
Key Diagnostic or Identification

Approved Method(s)
Mistaken Identities:
In Progress / Literature-based Diagnostics:
  1. Abidou, H., Valette, S., Gautheire, J.P., Rivoal, R., El-Ahmed, A., and Yahyaoui, A. 2005. Molecular polymorphism and morphometrics of species of Heterodera avenae group in Syria and Turkey. Journal of Nematology 37(2): 146-154.
  2. Andres, M.F., Romero, M.D., Montes, M.J., and Delibes, A. 2001. Genetic relationships and isozyme variability in the Heterodera avenae complex determined by isoelectrofocusing. Plant Pathology 50: 270-279.
  3. Bekal, S., Gauthier, J.P., and Rivoal, R. 1997. Genetic diversity among a complex of cereal cyst nematodes inferred from RFLP analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region. Genome 40: 479-486.
  4. Ferris, V.R., Subbotin, S.A., Ireholm, A., Speigel, Y., Faghihi, J., and Ferris, J.M. 1999. Ribosomal DNA sequence analysis of H. filipjevi and H. latipons isolates from Russia and comparisons with other nematode isolates. Russian Journal of Nematology 7(2): 121-125.
  5. Handoo, Z. 2002. A key and compendium to species of the Heterodera avenae group (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Journal of Nematology 34(3): 250-262.
  6. Holgado, R. Rowe, J. A., and Magnusson, C. 2004. Morphology of cysts and second-stage juveniles of Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov, 1981) Stelter, 1984 from Norway. Journal Nem. Morph. Syst., 7 (1): 77-84.
  7. Madani, M., Vovlas, N., Castillo, P., Subbotin, S.A., and Moens, M. 2004. Molecular characterization of cyst nematode species (Heterodera spp.) from the Mediterranean basin using RFLPs and sequences of ITS-rDNA. Journal of Phytopathology 152: 229-234.
  8. Mokabli, A., Valette, S., and Rivoal, R. 2001. Différenciation de quelques espèces de nématodes à kystes des céréales ed des graminées par èlectrophorèse sur gel d’acétate de cellulose. Nematologia Mediterranea 29: 103-108.
  9. Nicol, J.M. 2002. Important nematode pests of cereals. In: Curtis, B.C. (Ed.). Wheat production and improvement. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series, FAO Rome, Italy, pp. 345-366.
  10. Peng, H., Qi, X., Peng, D., Long, H., He, X., Huang, W., and He, W. 2013. Sensitive and direct detection of Heterodera filipjevi in soil and wheat roots by species-specific SCAR PCR assays. Plant Disease 97:1288-1294.
  11. Rivoal, R., Valette, S., Bekal, S., Gauthier, J.-P., and Yahyaoui, A. 2003. Genetic and phenotypic diversity in the graminaceous cyst nematode complex, inferred from PCR-RFLP of ribosomal DNA and morphometric analysis. European Journal of Plant Pathology 109: 227-241.
  12. Subbotin, S. A., Sturhan, D., Rumpenhorst, H. J., and Moens, M. 2003. Molecular and morphological characterization of Heterodera avenae species complex (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) Nematology 5 (4): 515-538.
  13. Subbotin, S.A., Vierstraete, A., De Ley, P., Rowe, J., Waeyenberge, L., Moens, M., and Vanfleteren, J.R. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships within the cyst-forming nematodes (Nematoda, Heteroderidae) based on analysis of sequences from the ITS regions of ribosomal DNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 21: 1-16.
  14. Subbotin, S.A., Waeyenberge, L., Molokanova, I.A., Moens, M. 1999. Identification of Heterodera avenae group species by morphometrics and rDNA-RFLPs. Nematology 1: 195-207.
  15. Tanha Maafi, Z., Subbotin, S.A., and Moens, M. 2003. Molecular identification of cyst-forming nematodes (Heteroderidae) from Iran and a phylogeny based on ITS-rDNA sequences. Nematology 5(1): 99-111.
  16. Toumi, F., Waeyenberge, L., Viaene, N., Dababat, A., Nicol, J. M., Ogbonnaya, F., and Moens, M. 2013. Development of two species-specific primer sets to detect the cereal cyst nematodes Heterodera avenae and Heterodera filipjevi. European Journal of Plant Pathology 136(3):613-624.
  17. Yan, G. P., and Smiley, R. W. 2010. Distinguishing H. filipjevi and H. avenae using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and cyst morphology. Phytopathology 100(3): 216-224.
  18. Yan, G.P., Smiley, R.W., Okubara, P.A., and Skantar, A.M. 2013. Species-specific PCR assays for differentiating H. filipjevi and H. avenae. Plant Disease 97(12): 1611-1619.

If you are unable to find a reference, contact STCAPS@usda.gov. See the CAPS Pest Datasheet for all references.