Australian grapevine yellows - Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense 16SrXII-B
Effective: April 6, 2018
Taxonomic Position: Acholeplasmatales : Acholeplasmataceae
Pest Type: Phytoplasma
This pest is a member of the following surveys: Grape, Solanaceous Hosts
These Approved Methods are appropriate for: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Pest Information
Hosts Identified in the CAPS Host Matrix:
Pest is vectored by:

Approved Method(s)
Method Detail NAPIS Survey Method
Visual Collect symptomatic leaf material. Be sure that each plant that is sampled exhibits shriveling of the fruiting cluster. 3031 - General Visual Observation
Method Notes:

Survey Recommendations
The following are recommendations for executing the survey using the approved methods for pest surveillance. The recommendations are developed through literature review and consultation with subject matter experts.
Time of Year to Survey:
Survey Design:
Survey Site Selection:
Site Inspection:
Sample Collection Instruction:
Key Diagnostic or Identification

Approved Method(s)
Identification Resources:
Mistaken Identities: