Brown spruce longhorned beetle - Tetropium fuscum
Effective: August 18, 2010
Taxonomic Position: Coleoptera : Cerambycidae
Pest Type: Insects
This pest is a member of the following surveys: Exotic Wood Borer / Bark Beetle, Pine
These Approved Methods are appropriate for: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Approved Method(s)
Method |
Detail |
NAPIS Survey Method |
Trap |
2 - Cross Vane Panel Trap, Black |
3001 - General Trapping Procedure |
Trap Spacing: When trapping for woodborers or bark beetles, separate traps with different lure combinations by at least 30 meters (98 feet).
Approved Lure(s)
Lure Notes: 9/14/17: The combination of lures for Tetropium fuscum is also effective for T. castaneum. If Tetropium fuscum is listed as a survey target in a work plan, then T. castaneum must also be listed in the work plan.
All three lures listed are necessary to trap for this species.
The release rates of these lures are highly temperature-dependent. However, CAPS has listed a conservative length of effectiveness that will be effective for even the warmest climates in the CAPS community.
Survey Recommendations
The following are recommendations for executing the survey using the approved methods for pest surveillance. The recommendations are developed through literature review and consultation with subject matter experts.